Let's talk to you about the importance of using properly seasoned logs in your wood burner or on your fire. Seasoned logs are those that have been cut, split and stacked to allow them to air-dry in the natural environment for at least a year. This reduces their moisture content to below 20%, making them ideal for burning.
Why should you use seasoned logs?
Well, there are many benefits, such as:
They burn more efficiently than unseasoned logs, producing more heat per kilogram and saving you money on fuel.
They ignite easier and burn longer, giving you a steady and consistent heat output.
They produce less smoke and emissions, reducing the risk of chimney fires and improving the air quality in your home and the environment.
They prevent the build-up of creosote and tar in your chimney or flue, which can damage your appliance and cause health problems.
Using unseasoned wood, on the other hand, can have many negative consequences, such as:
It can be hard to light and keep burning, requiring more effort and attention from you.
It can produce a lot of smoke and sparks, creating a fire hazard and annoying your neighbours.
It can release a lot of moisture and resins into your chimney or flue, creating condensation and corrosion.
It can cause the formation of creosote and tar, which are highly flammable and can ignite a chimney fire.

As you can see, using seasoned logs is not only better for your wood burner or fire, but also for your safety, health and comfort. That's why at Tyning Landscaping, we only supply high-quality seasoned logs that have been sourced locally and sustainably. We also offer a delivery service to your doorstep, so you don't have to worry about transporting or storing your logs.
Q: How can I tell if my logs are seasoned?
A: There are some signs that indicate if your logs are seasoned, such as:
They are lighter in weight than unseasoned logs.
They have cracks or splits at the ends.
They make a hollow sound when knocked together.
They have a dark or grey colour on the outside and a lighter colour on the inside.
Q: How should I store my seasoned logs?
A: You should store your seasoned logs in a dry and well-ventilated place, such as:
A log store or shed that has a roof and open sides to protect from rain and allow air circulation.
A stack that is raised off the ground and away from walls to prevent moisture absorption and rotting.
A cover that is breathable and waterproof to shield from snow and frost.
Q: How much seasoned wood do I need for my wood burner or fire?
A: The amount of seasoned wood you need depends on several factors, such as:
The size and efficiency of your appliance.
The frequency and duration of your usage.
The weather and temperature conditions.
The type and quality of your wood.
A general rule of thumb is to have enough seasoned wood to last you for at least one winter season. You can estimate this by measuring the volume of your appliance's firebox and multiplying it by the number of times you use it per week. For example, if your firebox is 0.5 cubic metres and you use it three times a week, you will need 0.5 x 3 x 16 = 24 cubic metres of seasoned wood for 16 weeks of winter.

If you have any questions or need any advice on using seasoned logs, please don't hesitate to contact us at Tyning Landscaping. We are happy to help you with all your landscaping needs. Thank you for reading our blog post!